What is “All-on-4 dental implants” or new teeth in 1 day in Europe?

Lifetime warranty with full personal responsibility of the doctor.

All-in-4 dental implants is rehabilitation on four dental implants.
Two of them are placed vertically in the frontal part of the bone tissue, two others – in the distal or lateral part at an angle of up to 45º.
This allows you to abandon bone grafting in patients with atrophy or resorption of the jawbone.
The inclined installation gives the doctor ample opportunity to fix the implants – in the denser and deeper parts of the skull with a sufficient amount of bone, such as the zygomatic.

On the upper jaw, the complex can be supplemented with zygomatic implants of the same brand – the Nobel Zygoma model.
They are fixed behind the jawbone – in the cheekbones, bypassing the nasal sinuses or with their partial displacement.
As a result, it is possible to restore a complete dentition even in conditions of pronounced atrophy of the maxillary bone without the need for sinus lift.

Implantation in 1 day: what is All-on-4

Implantation in 1 day: what is All-on-4

The technology provides for the installation of a fixed bridge with a support for 4 implants, which at the same time serve as a support for the remaining “teeth”.
The procedure involves the installation of implants for patients with a complete absence of teeth, or for patients with severely damaged teeth that must be removed.
Prosthetics are performed on the same day after the end of the tooth restoration operation in 1 day.

What is All-on-4 dental implants technology

A bit about the All-on-4 technology

This implant technology was first conducted by Nobel Biocare.
The technique is effective and affordable from a financial point of view (in comparison with other implantation protocols).
The reliability and safety of the All-on-4 technology has been proven in numerous studies by the Portuguese dentist Paolo Malo.
A defining aspect of successful implantation is the study of bone structure and its compliance with established requirements. The study is carried out using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).

Key features of the All-on-Four implant technology:

  • The support for the fixed bridge structure is 4 implants;
  • In order to prevent damage to the anatomical structures of the jaw, implants should be installed in the posterior part of the jaw at an appropriate angle.
    Otherwise, the maxillary sinuses and the mandibular nerve may be damaged;
  • Upon completion of the operation, an immediate load is possible.

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